Maternal Health & Probiotics Node

Dr. Gregor Reid, Principal Investigator

The Maternal Health and Probiotics Node is based out of Lawson Health Research Institute and the University of Western Ontario in London. Directed by Dr. Gregor Reid, this Node has a proven track-record in the field of vaginal microbiome analysis, nutrition, probiotics and maternal health.

In particular relevance to MIMI:

  • Studying how manipulation of microbiome communities improves female health, particularly the chance of conception, ensure health pregnancy and improve longevity.
  • The development of affordable probiotic foods that improve well-being and reduce toxins in the general population and in people in the developing world.
  • Understanding the mechanism by which probiotics improve health using genetic and bioinformatics tools, appropriately designed clinical trials and directed mechanistic examination of bacteria used in probiotic foods.

For more information, visit the Canadian Research & Development Centre for Probiotics.

Click here for selected publications.