Our team is striving to improve and expand our clinical care through the projects below.

Current Research Projects

Kicking soccer ballReturn2Sport

A new clinical program for children and youth who have had an ACL injury. We quantify their movement for a set of sporting maneuvers to provide surgeons with more information of their motion.



Myofascial painMyofascial Pain Release

Collaboration with the Pediatric Anesthesia Research Team (PART) at BC Children's Hospital, to quantify a novel intervention for chronic pain in children and youth.



SkeletonQuality of Motion

Investigating the effects of coaching and video feedback on children and youth's quality of motion during the performance of sporting maneuvers.



Markerless motion captureTHEIA Markerless

Collaboration with Theia to compare their markerless motion capture system to our traditional marker-based system. We presented a tutorial at the 2022 GCMAS conference.



Bionic PowerPowered KAFO

Collaborating with Bionic Power for a pilot study on their novel exoskeleton device, the Agilik. This powered knee-ankle-foot orthotic may help children with crouch gait.



Interactive techInteractive Tech

Evaluating the kinematic accuracy of Sunny Hill Health Centre's new rehabilitative technology that uses markerless motion capture and virtual reality devices.


Past Research Projects

Baby feetClubfoot Study

Monitoring the long-term outcome of using the Ponsetti method to treat clubfoot: injecting Botulinum Toxin A into the tricep surae muscle complex of the leg to the Achilles tenotomy.



Prosthetic insoleProsthetic Insole

Collaboration with Dr. Cooper and the Digital Lab to quantify the intervention of a customized prosthetic insole for children with fibular hemimelia.



Skeleton footSplit Tib Post Transfer

Determining if routing of the split tendon transfer through the interosseous membrane improves ankle dorsiflexion in swing compared to routing posterior to the fibula.



Walking up stairsLeg Length Discrepancy

Collaboration with Dr. Cooper to compare the LLD measurements between EOS scans, manual physiotherapist assessment, and motion capture technology.