We have monthly events every first Friday on site at BCCHR, room 2108, 11-1pm. These events provide help for all your data analysis needs, in our three mains branches: workshops, seminars, and data help sessions!

See below for our most recent schedule of our workshops and other events.


Introduction to R/Rstudio.

New to R and don't know where to start? This will be the perfect workshop for you! Learn how to navigate R and some basic codes to get started on analysing your data better!

BCCHR Room 2108
Friday Nov 1, 11-12 PT
Led by: Sidney (TA)

Sign up here!

Workshop Poster

Future workshops:

RNASeq Workshop (Part1&2)

Intro to Statistics

UBC Advanced Research Computing

Intro to MetaboAnalyst

Precision Health Initiative Summer Bootcamp


Email us to sign up and present one of our seminars! Get feedback on your research and make new connections within the research community!

Next Seminar Presentations:

November 2024: Abisola Kehinde

Data Help Sessions

Have a problem or question during data analysis for your research? Bring your questions to our regular data help sessions where our knowledgeable TAs can help you out! Sign up to our mailing list to know when the next session is held or email us!

Health Commons Metadata

Health Commons Metadata is a new hub platform for storing and disseminating metadata pertaining to human biological samples and omics research data developed by Genome BC
Genome BC will have a session to demonstrate how to use the platform including the data & metadata submission, and every project submitted with P.I’s permission and approved will get a $500 electronic gift card to a store of their choice.
Date: 2024, Oct 10, 11-12 pm
Location: 2108, BCCHR

Click one of the buttons below to see a list of past study groups, workshops or seminars hosted by Trainee Omics!