Glossary of Genetic Terms



Background Variant Library (BVL) is a list or collection of all the DNA variants in a group of people without severe genetic conditions, which helps to determine variants that are common or rare in the general population.



Clinical Research is research with the goal of improving the diagnosis, and treatment (including rehabilitation and palliation), of disease and injury; improving the health and quality of life of individuals as they pass through normal life stages.  Read more...

COVID-19  shorthand for Coronavirus Disease - 2019



DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)  is the genetic material we inherited from our parents, providing instruction in all of our cells for our body to function. DNA is made up of a string of four different "letters" including A, C, G, and T; this string can be read by our cells in different sequences. There are 3 billion DNA letters in each of our cells to provide these instructions.[Back to the IBVL page] [Back to Precision Diagnosis Study page]

DNA Variant is a result of a changed, added, deleted, or moved letter in the DNA. Humans share 99.9% similarity in DNA letters. the 0.1% difference between people are "variants" that make each of us unique. There are both harmless variants and disease-causing variants. The occurence of variants in a population can range from frequent to rare between groups of people. [Back to the IBVL page] [Back to Precision Diagnosis Study page]

DNA vaccines contains a "blueprint" in the form of DNA to create the defense to help your body protect itself when encountering the virus. your body will build antibody proteins with the mRNA information. The antibodies will be able to fend off the virus that enters your body. The message from the blueprint can be recalled when needed.



Gene - section of DNA that gives a specific instruction that tells our cells how to function. For example, certain genes code for eye colour, while other genes tell our kidneys or heart how to work. Each person has about 25,000 different genes. Genes come in pairs, as we inherit one set of genes from our father and the other set from our mother. [Back to the IBVL page] [Back to Precision Diagnosis Study page]

Genetic Condition - a health condition caused by disease-causing DNA variants that can be inherited from our parents or happen randomly in the body in a lifetime.

Genetic Counsellor - a trained individual to help you with genetic testing decisions and navigate the results of tests. Read more...​

Geneticist (Medical Geneticist) - a trained medical doctor who makes a diagnosis of the genetic disease or condition. Read more...​

Genome - all the DNA in an individual. [Back to the IBVL page] [Back to Precision Diagnosis Study page]

Genomics is the science of understanding, interpreting, and harnessing this DNA code to create real-world solutions. Read more...



Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) - a technique to make many copies of a specific region of RNA or DNA in a test tube. In the case of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, PCR allows for detection of its RNA for patient testing of COVID-19 cases. [Back to the IBVL page] [Back to Precision Diagnosis Study page]

Precision Diagnosis - accurate and timely explanation of each patient's health problem. Read more...



RNA (ribonucleic acid) - is the genetic material used to lead the building of proteins, used in humans and viruses. RNA is made up of a string of four different "letters" including A, C, G, and U; this string can be read by cells in different sequences. 

RNA variants - a result of a changed, added, deleted, or moved letter in the RNA.

mRNA vaccines - contains a "blueprint" in the form of messenger RNA to create the defense to help your body protect itself when encountering the virus. your body will build antibody proteins with the mRNA information. The antibodies will be able to fend off the virus that enters your body. The message from the blueprint can be recalled when needed.



SARS-CoV-2 - the official scientific name of the virus, named the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 that causes COVID-19



Virus - a parasite of cells that relies on the contents of other cells for its survival. It has genetic material (DNA or RNA), where it keeps all information about itself.



Whole Genome Sequencing - a technology that examines the entire genetic material of an individual. This allows for the identification of DNA variants that may allow for the diagnosis of genetic conditions. [Back to the IBVL page] [Back to Precision Diagnosis Study page]

Whole Exome Sequencing - a technology that examines only coding genetic material (proteine-coding genes) of an individual. This allows for the identification of DNA variants in protein-coding regions that may allow for the diagnosis of genetic conditions.